An unforgettable story of how inmates can use all the help they can get.

Cameron Douglas testified against the people who gave him drugs. Now he is suffering the consequences. Prison is dangerous.

Now Cameron, in federal prison, has a broken leg and finger. Needless to say, prison can be dangerous. A gangster, also behind bars in the same prison, put a $100 bounty on Douglas’ head for snitching, i.e., being a “rat.” The gangster, the self-proclaimed “King of the Italians,” said he won’t tolerate “rats.”

Exposed as a Rat

Douglas was inadvertently exposed as a rat by his shrink during a bail hearing back in 2010. Dr. Robert Millman, the shrink, spilled the beans that Douglas agreed to testify against his suppliers, Mexican immigrant brothers David and Eduardo Escalera. That was enough for the “King of the Italians!”

When he was taken to sickbay, Douglas had a broken femur which is a bone that is extremely difficult to snap, and he had to have a rod inserted in his leg. Consequently, two months later, he was on crutches.

Prison Hospital Care

What’s worse is that the prison doctor, (I use that word loosely), and his aide misdiagnosed the broken leg. The aide thought it was a sprain. A blood clot developed. (Where does the BOP get these people from?). I cannot overstate the total lack of proper medical care in any federal prison. It is absolutely atrocious!


As of 2012, no one had been punished for Douglas’ injuries. Just another day in federal prison—and this prison is a minimum-security federal prison camp, not even a medium or a high. Think about what happens in those places!

Prison Crowding

This is the main reason why it is so important for a federal defendant to play an active part in his or her own designation. If you leave it up to the BOP to do your designation, you may end up thousands of miles from your home and family and in a higher security and custody level institution than you should be. Why? It is called prison crowding and BOP Population Management. The BOP simply slaps a Management Variable (MGTV) on you and you can end up thousands of miles from your home and family and in a maximum security prison which is where you definitely do not want to be. Designations are very important, for your loved ones and for your safety!

“Population Management” is the term the Bureau of Prisons uses to ship a defendant thousands of miles from his home or to a higher security level institution than he is scored for. That is the catch-all phrase used by the BOP to separate you from your family and possibly put you in harm’s way.

What do you do?

Get a federal prison consultant with a consulting firm that knows what to do and how to help. Michael Frantz is the Federal Prison Consultant that knows what to do, and Jail Time Consulting is the company that has the program that works. Prison can be dangerous. Don’t leave your designation up to the BOP. Cameron Douglas did and look what happened to him. 

About Michael Frantz:

Michael Frantz is a leading national Federal Prison Consultant with Jail Time Consulting. He has authored a book on Federal Prison titled, “Jail Time, What you need to know…Before you go to federal prison!” as well as 35 JT Special Reports© on various prison issues affecting both inmates and their families.

About Jail Time Consulting:

Jail Time Consulting is a Federal Prison Consulting firm providing consulting services, research, sentence reduction techniques, and client positioning for BOP programs. JT Consulting offers solutions to the problems that men and women facing federal prison are confronted with.

We work closely with our clients and their attorneys to provide the lowest possible net sentence. We prepare and position our clients for admission to the 500-Hour Residential Drug Abuse Program, which offers the inmate a 12-month sentence reduction and a 6-month halfway house designation as well as four other sentence reduction programs including the Second Chance Act, the First Step Act, the Compassionate Release Program and the Sentence Commutation Program. Jail Time Consulting also offers 36 other programs for both federal and state inmates and defendants.